Geoffrey Solomon’s life has turned around from a situation of overwhelming devastation to one of success and inspiration.
Geoffrey had a humble beginning, raised in the Northern district of Uganda where HIV/AIDS was rampant. His family ended up in Kampala, but their land was completely raised by the government, forcibly evicting him and many others. Moving ‘downstreet’ – an area of particular poverty, his luck continued to spiral downward, hitting rock bottom when he was orphaned. When Geoffrey was picked by the Needy Support Centre he was at a low, saying that “[his] life was nothing”.
But Geoffrey was able to receive vocational training as a part of CAP/AIDS’ Livelihood Support program. Imparted in this program were skills related to entrepreneurship and public relations. With these newly honed abilities, Geoffrey has opened a successful business selling beautiful beads and jewellery, providing him with a steady income and lifestyle. And when he isn’t busy with his shop, Geoffrey is teaching his community about how to avoid contracting and transmitting HIV/AIDS, training which was also provided by CAP/AIDS.
Now on his feet and enthusiastic about the future, Geoffrey has hopes to develop and expand his jewellery boutique, and the finances to support his siblings. Geoffrey Solomon says, “I am moving forward, and I refuse to go backward!”