Tausi Abdala is an HIV widow from Tanzania. She has six children of her own still living under her roof and is also caring for 2 of her grandchildren who have been orphaned.
Tausi is a member of the Morning Star Savings and Loan Group organized by CAP/AIDS’ local partner TRMEGA. Through her participation in Morning Star, she has received training in community mobilization and living positively along with access to credit which she can use to support her livelihoods activities and provide for the many children in her care.
This past year, Tausi also received a bike to help her with her community work. With the ability to travel between villages, Tausi took it upon herself to start her own widows support group. She registered the names of HIV widows with local churches and mosques and uses her bike to transport food aid to help them provide for orphaned children. During her visits she also shares HIV/AIDS information and provides peer counseling support.
Tausi is using her bike to provide care, comfort and basic needs for more than 10 HIV-affected families.