Home of Hope shelter set to open it’s doors this Spring!
CAP/AIDS Uganda is pleased to announce that the Phase 1 renovations at the Home of Hope are complete and the centre is ready to open its doors as a rehabilitation shelter for street-involved and vulnerable young women.
The project, expected to get underway in the Spring of 2018, will provide women with safe living space, access to basic health care and counseling and hands on training and mentorship for sustainable rural livelihoods. Training will take place at the Home of Hope using demonstration plots and the in-house training centre. Ultimately, women will be supported in transitioning to appropriate longer-term living situations and in establishing livelihood activities for self-sufficiency. The project is being overseen by CAP/AIDS Uganda Project Officer Jane Abolo who will be residing at the Home of Hope with the women and Program Coordinator Lawrence Gege.
This year, women with children will also be supported with school fees thanks to a fund established in May 2017 in memory of long-time CAP/AIDS supporter Garth Holloway.
This project has been made possible through the generous support of the K.M. Hunter Charitable Foundation, the Ptarmigan Foundation and the fundraising efforts of the CAP/AIDS community in Ottawa through their annual Brighter Futures event.
Contributions are welcome to support this exciting new venture at the CAP/AIDS Uganda’s Home of Hope and to ensure the sustainability of project activities.