Northern Uganda, where CAP AIDS-Uganda works, is still recovering from a civil war. Because of that, communities face high rates of poverty and higher rates of HIV/AIDS. Youth unemployment is also very high and youth HIV infection rates are on the rise. CAP AIDS-Uganda works with communities to resist, survive and overcome HIV/AIDS.
CAP AIDS-Uganda runs the Home of Hope where they support HIV outreach and provide a safe space for community groups to come together. They also work directly with women’s groups to increase capacity and implement projects in local villages. Recent upgrades to the Home of Hope have expanded the offering to provide a transitional life centre to vulnerable young women and children. Here they can access health care and, most importantly, develop skills for sustainable livelihoods.
CAP AIDS-Uganda was formed in 2006. Since then they have worked with the CAP AIDS Affiliate Community to implement many community led programs throughout East Africa focused on relieving poverty, preventing HIV, and expanding access to education. They have twice acted as the regional implementing partner for projects funded by the Government of Canada. They have also hosted many CAP interns over the years. CAP AIDS-Uganda and CAP AIDS work together in strengthening operational capacity, identifying local funding opportunities and developing relevant projects.
The HoH provides residence and training to young women aged 16-24 to support them in accessing counselling and primary health care and providing them training for life and livelihood skills. Residents stay at the HoH for a period of 4-6 months, after which they are supported in transitioning to safe shelter and independent living. Priority is given to young women who face multiple layers of vulnerability including: those living with HIV, orphans, young mothers, girls who dropped out of school and those that are street-involved.
This project is made possible through the fundraising efforts of the CAP AIDS Affiliate Community who engage communities, primarily in Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver, and raise funds to support the cohorts of young women completing their residency program at the Home of Hope.
Visit our Affiliate Communities page to learn more about how it works and connect directly with CAP AIDS.
The Canada Africa Partnership (CAP) Network is a shared platform facilitating partnerships between Canadian and African communities.